Photo: Ben Fink Shapiro — Courtesy of Brett Heyman
Would you say that you are conservative or bold?
Bold, but never clownish.
Please describe your style in three words.
Uptown, feminine, and rocker… on good days.
What is the biggest mistake one can make when getting dressed?
Following a trend rather than dressing for yourself and body.
Do you believe in role models?
Of course — but I believe in following your instincts more than anything.
What are your favourite fabrics?
Denim, cotton, and cashmere.
Are there any style combinations that you object to?
Unflattering proportions — too big or too small.
Which city has the best-dressed women?
Paris — it’s a cliché mais c’est vrai!
What are the rules, if any, in the way you dress?
That I will feel comfortable wearing the garment and it won’t be wearing me.
One garment/accessory that you can never have enough of?
Good tee shirts.
A woman should always look like...
Who taught you what you know about style?
Camilla Nickerson, Marie-Amélie Sauvé, Emmanuelle Alt to name a few. Unfortunately, all indirectly.
How do you select your clothing every morning?
Based on the weather, schedule, and my mood.
Do you have any shopping rituals?
Shopping itself is the ritual.
We will never see you wearing...
Shoulder pads.
Which new designers do you follow and why?
I love what Tabitha Simmons is doing with shoes. She picks amazing fabrics and adds the greatest details. I also admire her personal style which adds to the appeal.
Who is the most stylish person you have ever seen?
I have coveted and tried to emulate anything I have ever seen Kate Moss wear over twenty years.
What is the first thing you notice on a woman?
What are the most treasured items in your wardrobe?
A Versace chain mail dress and my Yves Saint Laurent safari jacket.
The one image that defined your approach to style...
Betty Catroux and Loulou de la Falaise flanking Mr. Saint Laurent.
Which designer never fails to impress you?
One article of clothing that a woman needs to pay close attention to is...
Undergarments that fit.
Is comfort an enemy of style?
If you let it be.
Who would you like to see next in My Style?
Marina Muñoz.
The best words of advice you have ever heard?
Less is more.